Change of Plan.

So, things have been going fairly well. My will power and general motivation have been good, but a couple of times they have lost out to tiredness and “don’t give a *#@^!” tendencies (which tend to be a result of bad planning and lack of sleep).

The initial plan was to get to 65kg by Christmas, before going home to family. However there has been a change of plans and I will not be going home. So, with that in mind, I want to step things up a notch and make some other goals to focus on.

Important Events:

25 August (21 days/3 weeks): Friends Birthday

8th Sept (35 days/5 weeks) : Seeing old friend

22nd March (ages away!): Friends Wedding

The first two dates are helpful as they are both times I would like to look/feel good. The time span of 3 and 5 weeks is great, enough time to achieve results but close enough that I know I will need to be disciplined if I want to achieve them.

Goal wise I think reaching 70kg by the 25th of August would be awesome! It’s borderline achievable (given my current tracking), but I think if I commit its possible. Then by September 8th anything under 70 would be great – I will define a number closer to the time perhaps. For now 65kg by 20th Dec will remain the default long term goal until I reassess after the 8th Sept.

New Short term goal:

70kg by 25th August.

-3.3kg in 21 days = 1.1kg per week to reach my goal. I’m going to have to work hard to make this happen! Wish me luck!





Day 13 and 14: Food and exercise diary

Day 13:

Lemon water, LB, smoothie-1/2orange, kiwi, banana, 1/4C raspberries and protien powder

Vegan vegetable soup with added kale.

Salmon sashimi

Several cocktails

5min x-train
10min rower
10min bike
20min treadmill
Shoulder press with bar
Situps and tricep dips with 10kg

Day 14:

Very hungover.

2xwrap with kale, wilted spinach and turkey

Green tea with peppermint


Winter tiredness

Winter tiredness – Live Well – NHS Choices.

What is winter tiredness?

If you find yourself longing for your warm, cozy bed more than usual during winter, blame the lack of sunlight.

As the days become shorter, your sleep and waking cycles become disrupted, leading to fatigue. Less sunlight means that your brain produces more of a hormone called melatonin, which makes you sleepy.

Because the release of this sleep hormone is linked to light and dark, when the sun sets earlier your body also wants to go to bed earlier – hence you may feel sleepy in the early evening.

While it’s normal for all of us to slow down generally over winter, sometimes lethargy can be a sign of more serious winter depression. This health condition, known medically as seasonal affective disorder, affects around one in 15 of us but can be treated. Read more about how to recognise winter depression. If your tiredness is severe and year-round, you could have chronic fatigue syndrome.

Try these tactics to boost your vitality during the winter months.

Sunlight is good for winter tiredness

Open your blinds or curtains as soon as you get up to let more sunlight into your home. And get outdoors in natural daylight as much as possible, even a brief lunchtime walk can be beneficial. Make your work and home environment as light and airy as possible.

Fight fatigue with vitamin D

The wane in sunshine over the winter months can mean you don’t get enough vitamin D, and that can make you feel tired.

The main source of vitamin D is sunlight, but here in the UK we can’t make any vitamin D from winter daylight between November and March so it’s especially important to get vitamin D from your diet.

Good food sources of vitamin D are oily fish (for example salmon, mackerel and sardines), eggs and meat. Vitamin D is also added to all margarine, and to some breakfast cereals, soya products, dairy products and low-fat spreads.

Even with a healthy, balanced diet it’s possible to become vitamin D deficient. The government recommends that people at risk of vitamin D deficiency – including everyone 65 or over – should take a daily supplement.

Read more about how to get enough vitamin D and whether you may need a supplement.

Get a good night’s sleep

When winter hits it’s tempting to go into hibernation mode, but that sleepy feeling you get in winter doesn’t mean you should snooze for longer. In fact if you do, chances are you’ll feel even more sluggish during the day.

We don’t technically need any more sleep in winter than in summer. Aim for about eight hours of shuteye a night and try to stick to a reliable sleep schedule. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. And make sure your bedroom is conducive to sleep – clear the clutter, have comfortable and warm bedlinen and turn off the TV.

Read about how to get a good night’s sleep.

Fight winter tiredness with regular exercise

Exercise may be the last thing you feel like doing on dark winter evenings, but you’ll feel more energetic if you get involved in some kind of physical activity every day, ideally so you reach the recommended goal of 150 minutes of exercise a week. Exercise in the late afternoon may help to reduce early evening fatigue, and also improve your sleep.

Winter is a great time to experiment with new and different kinds of activity. For instance, if you’re not used to doing exercise, book a session at one of the many open-air skating rinks that open during the winter. Skating is a good all-round exercise for beginners and aficionados alike. There are also many dry ski slopes and indoor snow centres in the UK, which will offer courses for beginners.

If you’re more active, go for a game of badminton at your local sports centre, or a game of 5-a-side football or tennis under the floodlights.

If you find it hard to get motivated to exercise in the chillier, darker months, focus on the positives – you’ll not only feel more energetic but stave off winter weight gain.

Read lots more tips for exercising in winter.

Learn to relax

Feeling time-squeezed to get everything done in the shorter daylight hours? It may be contributing to your tiredness. Stress has been shown to make you feel fatigued.

There’s no quick-fire cure for stress but there are some simple things you can do to alleviate it. So, if you feel under pressure for any reason, calm down with meditation, yoga, exercise and breathing exercises.

Find out more by checking out these 10 stress-busters.

Eat the right foods

Once the summer ends, there’s a temptation to ditch the salads and fill up on starchy foods such as pasta, potatoes and bread. You’ll have more energy, though, if you include plenty of fruit and vegetables in your comfort meals.

Winter vegetables such as carrots, parsnips, swede and turnips can be roasted, mashed or made into soup for a warming winter meal for the whole family. And classic stews and casseroles are great options if they’re made with lean meat and plenty of veg.

You may find your sweet tooth going into overdrive in the winter months, but try to avoid foods containing lots of sugar – it gives you a rush of energy but one that wears off quickly. Here are some quick and easy ways to cut down on sugar.

Day 13: Food Dairy

Breaky: Lemon hot water, Long Black, banana
Lunch: Long Black, Half an avocado, 2x boiled egg, 1x fresh tomato a cup of vegan vege soup
Dinner: Mushroom, onion, turkey and kale mix with green beans. 2x wholegrain mini wrap with butter
Snacks: BERRY MUFFIN, apple, rooibos tea, espresso.

I felt exhausted all day today. I AGAIN skipped a meal (a proper breakfast) then felt the affect later and caved, hence the berry muffin. I need to find a way to stay strong willed even when I’m tired and to avoid skipping meals. Planning seems key.

Day 8: Food Diary


lemon juice and hot water


Shake – (Protein powder, 1/4C frozen berries, 1/2 Orange, Water)

Long Black


Green Tea 

1x boiled egg


Chicken, baby spinach and grated carrot wrap

a cup of vegan quinoa and chilli soup


6x almonds

a pear


beef stew, cauliflower puree and cos lettuce leaves

1/2 chicken wrap


Rooibos Tea

5x prunes

2x cracker with peanut puree

I just felt like eating more after dinner, gave in and had prunes and crackers… no good. I didn’t drink much water during the day which I think was a factor. I was also craving sweet things all day. Bigger breakfasts/smaller dinners might be a good option to incorporate into my plan to stop afternoon cravings?

Happiness with the days effort:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

…now just 157 more days!

Day 7: Food and Exercise Diary


lemon juice and hot water


Treat Meal – Lightly toasted muesli, yoghurt, stewed rhubarb and pear.


Long Black


1/2 punnet of strawberries


Larb Gai – made with turkey mince, lemongrass, chilli, lime, fish sauce and sesame. Wrapped in cos lettuce leaves.


1x boiled egg

2x stick of celery with 100% peanut puree


Beef Stew with carrots, leeks, celery, onion and garlic in a tomato and red wine based sauce.

Cauliflower puree


Rooibos Tea



20min X-trainer (lvl 15)

3×10 Glute bridges 20kg

3×10 tricep chest press 20kg

Sit ups




End of week one! Weigh in tomorrow morning.

Happiness with the days effort:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10

…now just 157 more days!

Day 6: Food Diary


lemon juice and hot water


Shake – (Protein powder, 1/4C frozen berries, 1/2 Banana, Water)

Long Black


Handful of almonds


Chicken, baby spinach and grilled veggies in a wrap


a cup of vegan, gluten free soup


2x fried egg with grilled veggies 


Black Chai Tea

a (not quite ripe) pear

Blue-Green Algae pana chocolate. Vegan, gluten free, dairy free, soy free, artificial sweetener free, organic and all raw ingredients. (phew! thats a mouthful!)



Happiness with the days effort:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

…now just 161 more days!

Day 5: Food Diary


lemon juice and hot water



Long Black




Gluten free Tomato soup with seared kangaroo and red onion.


A boiled egg with Turmeric

half a small bowl of steamed veges


Roasted Vegetables (green beans, zucchini, red capsicum, carrot, mushroom and red onion)

Roasted with ginger, mixed dried herbs and chilli


Decaf Green tea


See separate post


Great Sunday, had a 2 hour workout and thoroughly enjoyed it. Should have eaten more for breakfast but I got up late and had lots to get done so made sure I had a good protein rich lunch to make up for it. Right now its 7.55pm and my body is begging for bed. I think the combo of less high energy foods and more exercise will help with my irregular sleep patterns. YAY!


Happiness with the days effort:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

…now just 158 more days!

Day 4: Food and Exercise Diary


lemon juice and hot water


Long Black



Saturday market salad (see separate post)


1/2 punnet of strawberries

12x raw almonds


Roast Chicken with carrots

Cauliflower puree and broccolini  


Black Chai Tea

 “Nakd” Cocoa bar – I picked it up from the local health store today. Gluten, wheat, dairy free. Organic, raw and 100% natural.


5km Walk (in the rain!)


NOTE: Not making time for breakfast was a silly move. I was super hungry before dinner and only just managed the mental will power not to snack until I got home to cook something nutritious. Lesson of the day: don’t skip meals.

Happiness with the days effort:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

…now just 159 more days!

Day 3: Food and Exercise Diary


lemon juice and hot water


Shake – (Protein powder, 1/4C frozen berries, 1/2 Banana, 1/2 Orange, Water)

Long Black




Roast chicken, baby spinach and grated carrot wrap


Double Espresso

A cup of tomato soup


Steak and vege stir-fry with sesame seeds

2x Raw carrot


Black Chai Tea



35min X-trainer (lvl 12)

2×10 Bench press with Olympic bar

20min Yoga


Happiness with the days effort:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10

…now just 160 more days!